Sunday, April 13, 2014

I'm thinking it's a good thing I didn't commit to daily writings during Lent.  All of a sudden Easter is a week away, and my evenings spent not watching tv were filled with other activities.  I suppose that was sort of the point, but the activities I meant to pursue were instead waylaid by other projects and obligations, and now all of a sudden my time to reflect and prepare for Easter is nearly gone.  Time is a funny thing, an elusive vapor that is forever slipping out of my grasp.

Now I wonder how I will spend my time after Easter is over.  I know how I would typically answer that question.  But then I remember that I'm married (happy six-months to us!) and my decisions are no longer just my own.  We're discovering that our hobbies and interests are not as much the same as we once thought, and that makes finding an answer to my question even more challenging.  I know we have both been weighing these questions of why we do what we do, what eternal value to they possess, and whether or not these things even matter enough to deserve our attention at all.  And then there's the long list of things we know should have priority, yet somehow those are the things that never get done.  Life has a strange tension to it, a balance that, not unlike time, seems to always sit just beyond my grasp.  And before I know it, years have passed and I find myself looking around at my current surroundings, wondering two things:  How in the world did I get here, what?

Ah, life.  My current literal surroundings are a table full of baby plants that need to go in the ground while they instead chase the sun from this side of the window.  Except there's no sun because the temperature has plummeted and instead of the 90-degree heat we had yesterday, now we are waiting for snow.  These poor little guys are not looking nearly as happy as they did in their little greenhouse home, and I hope I can keep them alive for another week until the danger of freezing is past.  But even if it was warm enough, I'm not sure I'd know where to plant them because our yard is torn up and waiting for us to finish this landscaping project that I initially thought would take two hours, not two months.

But, next few days aside, spring is here and the sun is shining again and I am happy and content to be outside again.  A lot is happening, and it's an exciting season of life.  God is good.  All the time.

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