Monday, August 10, 2009


Earlier this month I returned home from a trip through Kansas to see family and friends. The reason for the trip: My brother's wedding. I have a few stories to tell from my time away, which will be posted over the next week or so. But as the focus of my trip was my brother and his new wife, so will be the same for this post.

I arrived in time for a solid 48 hours of wedding activities. We set-up, decorated, ate, rehearsed, hung out with family and friends, ate, did hair done, dressed up, celebrated, ate, danced, and finally cleaned up (and ate). It was tiring and kept us running, but it was well worth every minute.

Everything went off without a hitch (minus one causalty at the dance). Janna was beautiful in her dress, many people came to celebrate together, the decorations looked great, and the food and cake were wonderful.

I don't have much else to say beyond that, so for my non-facebook friends, here are some snapshots of the wedding for you to enjoy!


Lore Ferguson said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Elizabeth! And thanks for your comments on singleness!

Anonymous said...

You looked beautiful in the red dress! Congratualtions to your brother too!


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