Monday, November 30, 2009

Work Unto the Lord

Seems like the lessons He gives me don't always find permanent residence in my life.  And so He reminds me again, patiently cycling through the things I once learned but have since forgotten.

These words came back to me yesterday as I drove and listened to sermons.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men...

Work consumes my life.  Not because I want it to, but because that's just how things are right now.  Not that long ago I heard these words whispered to my soul, and it changed my attitude toward the job I was floundering in.

But life goes on, and so does my focus.  Lately, work has become a chore again.  It requires much greater energy than before to do quality work like I should be doing anyway.  The days are shorter and darkness settles in many hours too early.  I have taken on new ministry projects that I would much rather pour my efforts into, but simply don't have the time.

Working is a burden.

Work at it with all your heart...

God isn't content to let me simply relearn a lesson.  Rather, He ups the expectations the next time around.

Don't just work your job with all your heart - work your everyday life with all your heart as well.

Clean my house as though Jesus is staying there.

Engage in conversation as though I were speaking to Jesus.

Prepare my food as though I were feeding Jesus.

Get ready in the mornings as though I were going out to meet Jesus.

Practice my music as though it's Jesus I will play for.

These things are not that far from literal.  Jesus Himself said that whatever we do for the least of His children, we do for Him (Matt 25:40).

This is the challenge before me today.  I have the day off, but the hours ahead loom over me like a dark cloud with all the projects and things I need to accomplish.  But I am not just hacking away at a list of duties.

I am working unto the Lord.

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