Sunday, July 11, 2010

Here I Am - Right Now

Lately I've found myself tripping over the unknown, invisible cracks on the sidewalk I can't see as I walk along life's path with my eyes to the ground, lost in thought about things of the future.

Didn't I just walk this same path only a few months ago?

Yet here I am again, needing that same gentle reminder He already gave me once.  At least once.

I dream big.  I don't always know the details of what happens in my dreams, but deep down is a desire to do something worthwhile, something important and eternity-changing.  And so I think that when the time comes, I will step up and make a splash.  When He calls me to the bigger task, I will not fail.  When the purpose for which I was created finally arrives, I will embrace the job and leave an impact that points straight to Christ.

If...  When...  Then...

But instead of walking along this path called life with my head down, lost in my own dream world and watching my feet step one in front of the other, He tells me to look up.  I travel as though I am looking for a destination, a reason for the journey.

Really, though, I travel to a single Destination.  And that is the reason for my journey.

He tells me to look up, to notice the journey I'm on, to see where this present curve in the road has led me.  All around me is a world, a job, a purpose.  Right now, I am not ten miles down the road where my mind likes to wander.

Right now, I am here.  In the present.  Where my feet are.

And where my feet are right now doesn't appeal to me a great deal.  But it's where the path is, and it is where He has led me.  There is purpose for each step.  Each tiny, mundane, insignificant step.  He hasn't called me to be somewhere greater.  He has called me to be in the present, loving Him with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Serving Him in all things, whether others notice or not.

Change is coming.  Change always comes.  This time I think sooner than later.  And this proves to be a distraction for me lately.  But God has already laid the path through that part of my journey.  I need not fret over it, or try to peer ahead to see what's coming.  Because I don't know.  There's a mountain I have to go around first before I can see where I'm going.  He will show me when we get there.

For now, He has called me.  He has called me to be present today, in this moment, in the mundane, in the everyday.  It doesn't matter if I like it or not.  Because it's not about what I like or want.  It's about what He wants.  So now I try to look up and see where He has placed me.

Besides, when I look down for too long, I trip over my own feet.  And right now the ground is a little muddy.  I don't want to fall into that.

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