Thursday, October 14, 2010

Guatemala Update #3

Last day here.  I´m feeling rather neutral about the whole thing.  There are several things I´m looking forward to, first of which is sleeping in a non-mold-infested bedroom.  Last night I even slept with sleeves and wrapped my pillow in the Delta blanket I got from the trip down here...and woke up with the worst rash yet.  So precationary measures get me nowhere.

I´ve enjoyed my time here, and the culture is starting to grow on me.  The kiddos here are so beautiful and incredibly curious about us gringos.  The less shy ones point and holler "gringo!"  Great amusement all around.  Today I had a group of kids standing around me to listen to me dictate some notes.  While I was dictating, one girl touched my arm a few times, just to feel white skin I think.

One thing that is kind of nagging at the back of my mind is the question of what sort of impact my presence has made.  In an earlier post, I was questioning the motives and reasoning behind some of these volunteers coming down here when they don´t have sharing Jesus to guide them.  But reflecting on the week, I wonder about the same thing.  Granted, my primary motive was to provide services to people who needed therapy, and that´s for sure a very good thing.  But still, I go back to the bottom line, which is Jesus.  Did these people see Jesus in us?  Because I had no conversations about my faith and didn´t share the gospel with anyone.  For all they saw, I´m just a nice white gringo who may or may not have physically helped a few children.  That doesn´t sit too well with me.  But I still have some more processing to do on that one.

1 comment:

Lyla Lindquist said...

God is honored when you work for Him whether you get to say His name with it or not.

You've honored Him.

He's in charge of what comes of it.

Looking forward to you being back home.


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