Thursday, October 7, 2010


Tonight...tonight feels perfect.

This is the first time in four days I've had time to sit.  To just sit and breathe and do nothing.  Boy does it feel nice.

I went for a walk, down to one of the local gas stations to grab a fountain drink.  The sun was on its way toward the horizon, casting a beautiful yellow hue onto the remaining yellow and red leaves still on the trees.  The other leaves crunched happily under my sneakers, and there was not a breeze to be found.


I briefly thought about this trip for which I'm leaving tomorrow.  Briefly...because that's all the longer I can retain much of anything in my feeble brain these days.  Constant overstimulation and thought processing at work has taken its toll.

I thought of how, in forty-eight hours, I'll be walking on Guatemalan soil.  I imagined the beautiful scenery all around me...views of lakes and volcanoes and winding dirt roads.  I pictured the little feet, twisted and contracted, that we'll touch and stretch and cast and maybe even teach to walk.  I saw faces of mothers, aged beyond their years, curious but shy of these three white-skinned strangers.


I can't wait.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Will be praying for you while your on your trip.....take care...can't wait to hear all about it when you return!



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