God shapes us in His hands. He is the Potter. But even though we are the clay, we tend to decide for on our own when we’ve reached completion. So we set ourselves on the shelf to dry. But God looks at us and sees what He wants us to be. The beautiful and amazing vessel that He wants to create with His very own precious hands. So He takes us off the shelf. And He breaks us. He has to, because we’ve made ourselves unmoldable. Sometimes He shatters us beyond recognition. But then He picks up each piece of our broken lives and dusts it off. He reshapes it, molds it, smoothes the edges and works with that piece until, through our surrender and His masterful hands, He creates the perfect piece. Then He puts that one in place and reaches for the next. On and on He goes, working with every single piece until we are put back together.
If you have ever tried to re-piece a broken pot, you know that some parts will never fit back together. There are holes and gaps left between the pieces. And you can never fully hide all the cracks. A broken pot will never look exactly the way it did before it broke. But the holes and gaps and cracks become a thing of beauty and glory. For as the Potter puts the pieces back together, He also places His light inside of us. It bursts forth from those holes and cracks so that all who walk by and see the pot will be drawn closer by the light spilling from inside.

“So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as it seemed best to him.” Jeremiah 18:3-4
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