Monday, March 8, 2010

Praying and Waiting, Waiting and Praying

It's always a little risky giving someone your Blogger ID and password.

You never know when they might break in and post on your blog.

Like this morning.

This is Lyla, posting for my friend Elizabeth while she is away.


I had the privilege yesterday of subbing in for Elizabeth in her Sunday School class. Our little rural church became multi-site, internet-campus again just briefly as we hooked up into the hospital room where Elizabeth and her family spent Sunday morning with her dad by way of my overheating computer, a webcam and instant messaging.

I do love my laptop, but never quite so much as I did yesterday as it became the link between me and some folks I'd dearly love to closer to today. Pastor Dennis remarked later that it felt so humbling to pray for Melvin knowing the family was sitting in on the service with us. I think humbling was a good word. I felt the same as we started class by praying with them.

Folks, my aim here this morning is simple. I just want to ask you to pray.

As Melvin fights acute leukemia, the family prays and waits. And they wait and pray.

It's hard to wait, not knowing whether God will choose to send Melvin back out to fight, or if He'll decide that it's His turn to hang out with him all day and swap stories.

It's hard to pray, not knowing which way is better. Like Paul, we're torn. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!"

So, we don't know. But we pray. And we wait.

Please join us.


DeMo said...

Thanks, Lyla.

Splitter, Matt told me the latest news about your dad on Saturday night. Know that we're all praying for you.

ERIN said...

My thoughts are with you and your family, Elizabeth. I hope you all find peace and strength.

Allison H. said...

Elizabeth, I'm still praying for dad and the rest of the family. :)

Julie said...


I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. Please know that I am praying for you and your entire family.


Jennifer @ said...

My prayers are the Romans 8 variety -- those groans that the Holy Spirit can turn into prayer.

I write to you tonight through tears. AML was our battle, too (with Scott's father). I know that no two stories are the same, but a bit of me understands, Elizabeth. I can only offer these weak prayers to an ENORMOUS GOD OF STRENGTH.

On May 2, I will be running for your Dad, too.

I send you my love.


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