Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Patient Endurance

The book of Revelation and the topic of the end times has recently re-peaked my interest. I’ve been listening to the Bible on cd while I drive home from work each day. Finally made it all the way through to the end. And when it was done, I gave Revelation one more listen.

There’s something about listening to someone else reading these prophetic words that sheds new light on them. Throw in some great sound effects and it’s almost like you’re watching a sci-fi movie…except without the watching part. And then comes the realization that these things are real events yet to come – it’s no wonder so many of us tend to shy away from Revelation in fear and trembling.

I haven’t received any great insight into deciphering the words of this mysterious book. But there was been one short phrase that popped out at me.

Patient endurance.

Things are gonna get bad. Real bad. You think the world has seen suffering already? Indeed, it has. Great piles of it. But these piles are mere anthills in the cracks of sidewalks compared to the calamity that is to come. So God sticks in this little phrase as a message to His people.

This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints.

First, evil is going to trample God’s people. The beast is going to wage war and conquer the saints of every nation on earth. He’s not going to be gentle about it. And if you don’t bow down to worship this beast? Then he’ll arrest and kill you.

This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

Then God interrupts the beast’s little party and takes over. Those who bowed down to the beast receive the wrath of God. They receive torment and hell forever and ever.

This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints…

Two very different powers at work, yet the same command to believers. God never gives a command lightly, so there has to be great significance in those two words. Evil is going to be allowed to conquer God’s saints. Pain, suffering, abuse, torture – it must happen. So have patient endurance, because in the end you will see victory.

God will take back His power and punish the beast worshippers. Their torment will be even worse than the torment dished out on the saints. So have patient endurance, because God is going to come through.

Compared to these things to come, my light and momentary trials suddenly don’t seem so huge. If I think my patience and endurance is being tested now in average, everyday life, what kinds of truckloads of faith am I going to need on down the road? That’s when it’s really going to matter.

So for now, maybe I’ll consider my current trials as mere practice and training for the days ahead. Maybe I’ll be fortunate enough to not have to live through them. Or maybe I’ll be fortunate enough to one day see Christ come down from heaven and establish His Kingdom here on earth. Either way…patient endurance.

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