Monday, January 18, 2010

The Point

Thank you to all who have prayed for our Sunday School class!  God has been working in hearts, and it is so fun to watch.  The feedback I have received has been positive, with people learning and being challenged in ways they can apply to their everyday lives.  Attendance has also just about doubled, and we keep having to add tables so we have enough room for everyone.  So...keep the prayers coming!

The point of your life is to point to Him.

Our discussion this week revolved around that idea.  My life is but a fleeting vapor, and God is the One who determines how long I remain on this earth.  The length of my life is out of my control.  He desires glory, honor, praise...and all of me.

But I live my life for me.  Even in the most well-intended actions of my day, I'm usually benefiting somehow.  I do what I want, and complain about doing things I don't want to do.  I worry and fret because I don't trust Him to either come through for me or to have the better ultimate plan.  I seek to rush through each day so I can finally have a couple of hours to myself at night to do with as I please.

I live as though death will never touch me.  Intellectually we all know that we will die, [but] we do not really know it in the sense of living as though it were true.  In my head I know that everything boils down to the moment when I finally stand before God Himself.

But do I live like I believe that moment is coming?

I don't know when that will be.  Maybe fifty years from now.  Maybe ten.  Maybe next month.

Maybe in the next moment.

So the question becomes this:  Is what I am doing right now pointing to God?

This is the question I asked everyone.  We individually wrote down a few things that we know need to change this week, things that we will consciously try to carry out in ways that point to Him.

I hope that you will do the same.  Does what you are doing at this very moment bring Him glory?

I ask you through words.  One day He will ask you face-to-face.

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